Reliv Independent Distributor
 Thriving and Being Myself!
Hello there, my name is Rebecca King, I'm from Michigan and my background has been in retail. I came across Reliv in 2012 while looking for a work from home opportunity and a great supplement so it was so wonderful that I hit 2 birds with one stone! I'm so thankful for Reliv as I am able to be myself again.

Before Reliv I was tired all the time, my sleep was of poor quality, I had headaches every night and pain from an ovarian cyst. After Reliv I felt much healthier. I didn't understand my poor health at the time because I thought I was young so I shouldn't feel that way until later in life. Now I have tasted and I see how important balanced nutrition is in the quality of my health. I now have the energy to work and play as hard as I know I can in my heart. My anxiety has also reduced, I feel confident and happy. It's wonderful that who I am on the inside can shine on the outside all because my body is getting the nutrition it needs to thrive! Thank you Reliv!